Saturday, July 26, 2008

Detail about Tricep

By Bhadresh Bundela

Tricep Training

For months, I had been analyzing my tricep routine. Rightfully
so, they were not up to the standard I have set for myself. The
problem I faced was that I was not doing enough "mass"
exercises for this muscle. In my opinion, it virutally useless to
do cable exercises and other pressing movements with medium
to light weight when your goal is to build a strong powerful
foundation of muscles. I started looking at the various
different exercises that can be done with heavier weights for
triceps. kept coming back to one lift, dips. Dips have a purpose
twofold. They can be done at the end of a workout to totally
fatigue the triceps or they can be done as "heavy" movement
with added weights. The problem that I kept running into is the
fact that when I added weights to this exercise by means of a
chain hanging from a weight belt, I had the tendency to lean
forward, bringing the pecs into the motion. In an attempt to
correct this problem, instead of using a belt designed to
hang a weight from, I took a normal weight belt and looped a
chain bought from a hardware store with an added screw
close clip ( the type a mountain climber might use) but
instead of hanging the chain and the weight to the front, I put
the chain and weight behind me. I found that this helps
counter act the tendency to lean forward and allows me to
really blast my triceps. The key is to take this movement
slow and easy as not to excert too much force on your
shoulders. But the key to any exercise is slow controlled
movements anyhow. I've been doing this combination for
several months now and have noticed good improvements
and have not had any adverse problems / injuries due to
the change of venue of the weights.

Bicep Tricep Workout

Here is some information on upper arm training. I received
an E-Mail about a person who only does two sets total for
his upper arms, and he is having success with his muscle
growth. That information helps reinforce the theory that
more is not better. I used to work each bodypart 2 times
per week. I stopped weight training for a long time, due to
my work schedule. I didn't stop reading magazines and
books. I realize that times change, and scientific studies
have come a long way. I am 37 years old, 5' 6", and weigh
85 lbs. Since I have been weight training again (about 3
months) I just can't believe how my body is responding.
After 6 weeks of training I decided to try creatine. I like
to keep my workouts as simple as possible. I could
actually watch myself grow. My upper arms are growing
like crazy. And I am doing less now than I used to, and I
am getting better results. The fact is that the creatine is
playing a big role in my growth because of muscle cell
volumnizing. But I am giving my body longer to recover, a
nd that plays just as big as a role. If I work out my biceps
on a Monday, I hit them again on Friday. The I only hit my
biceps on Wednesday of the following week. So I am
traing each bodypart 3 times every 2 weeks. Here is a
typical upper arm work-out for me.

2 warmup sets with curl bar
3 x 8 with a curl bar increasing wieght each set
3 x 8 - 10 one arm preacher curls
2-3 x 8 - 10 alternating dumbell curls

Every couple weeks I substitute concentration curls for
preacher curls, I also do dumbell hammer curls instead
of alternating dumbell curls.

My triceps a usually warmed up from my chest workout,
so I go right at them hard.

3 x 6 - 8 close grip bench press
3 x 8 - 10 skull crushers
2 x 15 tricep kickbacks

I keep my workout simple but very intense. After taking
creatine for three weeks my upper arms grew a little
over two inches. Take a little more time to recuperate
between workouts and keep your workouts simple.


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